Thursday, September 07, 2006

Silver Lining

Well Pukefest seems to be over finally (knocking on wooden things). And we seem to have rid ourselves of the smell...except for the car. Yikes. Nothing like dried puke in a carseat on a hot day with the windows rolled up to really curl your nose hairs.

The Bee had the worst of it with a temperature. It was a little scary as he was barely moving or drinking for most of yesterday. We talked to the nurse though, and it was not anything to panic about and he seems to be feeling much better today. Poor little Bee.

It was so quiet yesterday.

I can tell they are feeling better today though. We have resumed our regular decible level....


Mrs. M said...

I'm so glad for you & the little people! May you all have good health & odor free living!

Jen said...

Having sick kids is the worst. I can't stand watching my babies suffer. I'm glad the worst has passed.

Peace Sweet Peas said...

I'm glad you guys are feeling better.