Friday, September 07, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

And I don't mean back to school.
(No one is in school here)

If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Sept 27th

Set your pvr's, cosy up on the couch and let the lovin' begin!
If you need a bit of a review...

I'm so excited!
I can't help it.


Mrs. M said...

This cracks me up! I knew what was coming before I even checked the link.
One day I'll have to watch some seasons on DVD as I've only ever watched one episode and that was years ago.
We're couting down for Prison Break in our house.
Enjoy Dr. McDreamy!

Two Mittens said...

Beware, it is like crack...however I have season 2 if you ever need it!
I enjoy PB as well, just not quite at the same level. Which is good.