Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Party People

On the way home after the most epic birthday party ever!! There were hip hop dancers, a dj, matching t-shirts, name buttons, a mirror ball, balloons, tattoos, a dance off, crafts, cupcakes and sparklers and some of our favorite friends! EPIC!!


Daisy Patch said...

The last one of miss "E" with the tattoo on her forehead and the sucker in her mouth is so cute! I love it. I think I am going to have to go out and by one just for me LOL!(the sucker that is)

Daisy Patch said...

I hate when you press publish and then proof read afterwards. it should read "buy" not by. :)

Two Mittens said...

hey, you should go for the forehead tattoo and the hair extensions too - it just adds to the fun!! ;)