Monday, November 27, 2006

Cabin Fever

It seems like we've been inside forever. We haven't exactly, but it feels like it all the same. We're being held captive in an icy fortress. We're running out of supplies. The savages are getting restless. And it's not over yet. Will we make it alive? What are we to do with ourselves??!! Sanity is slipping away....


Mrs. M said...

W&I feel your fever. We've got the feva too!

Peace Sweet Peas said...

We too share your pain. BRRRRRRR

Peace Sweet Peas said...

Today I'm looking after a little boy from down the street as his usual babysitter bailed. It has me thinking of you guys a lot because 1. He's a boy and he's into everything and go go go. 2. He's only slightly older than Zoo so it's making me shudder at the thought of what it would have been like if they had been twins.

Two Mittens said...

There is really a difference, isn't there??!